 (P)interested in advertising on social media? Try Pinterest
Pinterest is one of the most popular social networks and most visited sites

Entrepreneurs tend to try something new every time something came up. This is also their way to keep up with their customers with the latest online trends.

Today, a lot of businesses use social media platforms and a lot of competitors swarm around mainstream online platforms. This may cause dismay to a lot of advertisers making their campaign ineffective especially those who have fewer viewers or likes. If this frustrates you a lot, consider placing your ad campaigns to Pinterest.

Pinterest is an American-owned social media platform and smartphone application that provides content from its users. It is a visual discovery engine that creates an equal-opportunity-like algorithm that gives users the chance to share their content with the other users. Searches in this platform are mostly unbranded that gives way to new ideas and products.

Users also can create or control their feed by choosing their interests that can be modified through its settings or follow buttons. They can also discover contents according to what they follow. These are called Pins, which are the posts you saved.

For marketers, this is a chance for them to create awareness for their brands. With Pinterest’s algorithm, that users have the freedom to pin their interests into their board (feed), marketers can easily target their potential customers.

Pin your ad campaigns on Pinterest, here’s how.

 (P)interested in advertising on social media? Try Pinterest

Register for business accounts

It is either convert your personal account or create another business account. Don’t worry, it is free to create multiple accounts. If you were to convert your account from personal to business, visit and click HERE. If otherwise, visit and click HERE.

Install the Pinterest tag

For marketers, this is a tool for monitoring engagements in your ad campaign. Before you get to create your ad campaign, make sure to install the Pinterest tag first. This allows you to track the effectiveness of your campaign and send traffic to your website.

Setup campaign goal

For every campaign, there are objectives that marketers wanted to reach.  You need to utilize the pinterest website. This will identify the ad formats that are appropriate for your campaign.

Daily campaign ad budget

Using the same website, this is where you will add your campaign name and the daily ad campaign budget. Just take note that if you are to make a carousel ad campaign, you need to check onto your details and enable the carousel button.

Create and organize your ad group

If ever you have multiple ad campaigns on Pinterest, you need to create one (or choose a pre-existing one) to organize your ad campaigns. With these, you can overlook your campaigns through the group to avoid confusion. This will help you manage multiple goals within a single campaign.

Aiming for your desired customers

Deciding on your target audience is a need for an ad campaign to be effective. Setup the demographics you need based on gender, age, location, and devices. With this, you are efficiently running your ad campaigns to increase awareness for your ideal market.

Choosing your ideal ad placement

In business strategy, ad placement is very important for you marketers. If your budget limits you from placing your ads everywhere, you need to think of the best ad placement strategy. But if you can place your ads anywhere to increase much brand awareness.

Interests and keywords are your best allies

From choosing your ideal ad placement, expand your ad campaigns by adding interest and keywords. This will improve the reach of your campaign click-through rates, and better achieve scale when interest and keyword targeting is enabled. For the best results, use 25 keywords.

Ad scheduling and daily budget

It is also important to set your ad campaign schedule when to appear and monitor your daily budget. For every budget, it sets daily spending for your ad campaign. You need to be careful about what to include, editing of the budget can not be done later on.

Ad bidding and delivery

Set your frequency target and pacing of the appearance of the ad. This is also known as your target CPM rate. You can bid your ad placement from the minimum bid of $2.00.

Ad appearance pace

For your ad placements, determining the pace will also determine the impact of your ad campaign. There are two options for your Pinterest ad campaign, the standard and accelerated. In the standard pace, your budget is aligned to your bid with the overall duration. The accelerated pace may have a higher impact but it will also burn out your ad budget before the indicated time duration for faster delivery.

Must include your target pins

Each ad group must have two-four pins. You can create new Pins or select Pins you have added before. Assigned each Pin with a name and a URL.

Monitor ad campaign performance

Each ad campaigns, assessment is a must to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your campaigns. This will help you identify where to improve the overall campaign. Click on Analytics from the Pinterest Ads Manager dashboard to measure the performance of your campaign. Details regarding the engagement of the users can be monitored through the analytics.

Every ad campaign is different from each other. Since they have a different goal and target market, you need to provide comprehensive ad plans on whether to place advertisements or not at all. Just make sure to identify the right platform for your campaign.

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